How To Fill Out Auction Lot Slips
If you’re going to place something in the auction this link will be helpful in guiding you through filling out your auction lot slips.
Anyone at the meeting may bid on an item, however, only members of the club may submit items for auction. Each member (including junior members) may submit up to 5 lots for the auction.
Each item submitted for auction must have an Auction Lot Slip submitted with it.
The Auction Lot Slip is used by the auctioneer to introduce the item for auction. It will also be used by the Secretary to help track what the item sells for in order to correctly total and pay you for your auction lots. Each card must have some important information filled out before you submit each lot. You can have these filled out before you arrive, or we will have a stack of these available for you to fill out if you want to wait until you get to the meeting. Below is what a properly filled out auction card looks like. Please take some time to look at the example so you can properly fill out your auction card (you can click the picture to enlarge the image).
If you are interested in submitting items for the auction and would like to have your action lot slips filled out ahead of time, click here to be taken to the PDF download links. As a reminder only club members can submit items to the auction.